Ska titta på flygresor till Kalmar tänkte jag. Hoppas på att jag kan åka ner nu till helgen men ska kolla med mina föräldrar hur farmor mår först, om hon orkar ha mig springandes där också. Vi får se, men jag vill ju åka ner innan det är för sent.
I feel really unfocused today. Having a lot ot trouble concentrating on anything. What I'd really like to do when I feel like this is to either go for a run or a really long walk around Djurgården. Just to clear up my thoughts, but unfortunately that's not possible so what I'm doing instead is eating some candy I found in our stockroom and drinking tea. Not the smartest thing, but that's what I'm doing.
I'm gonna start looking at flights to Kalmar tonight as well. I'm hoping to go down this weekend but I'm gonna talk to my parents first and see how grandma's doing. If she has the strength to have me there as well. We'll see what happens but I'd like to go down there before it's too late.
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