Jag är 1,75 och vägde som minst 58kg. Jag hade ett BMI på 19 och var väldigt stolt över det. Det kändes som att jag hade uppnåt någonting. Somliga kanske skulle säga att jag hade anorexi, men jag slutade ju aldrig äta. Ingen kan proppa i sig pommes frites som jag kunde. Så jag förstår grejen, men var går gränsen för en ätstörning? Att jag åt i princip bara sallad och bytte ut ett mål mat mot tårta om jag kände för att äta tårta/glass den dagen känns ändå inte som att det var dåligt, är inte det ganska bra egentligen? Och målet var ju aldrig att bli en size zero. Jag har aldrig haft något mål på det viset, inte att jag måste komma i en strl 32. Om jag lyckades med det så var det bara en bonus.
Vet inte riktigt vart jag ville komma med det här inlägget, men hade väl något behov av att skriva av mig eller nåt. Dessutom så känner jag att jag är för tjock nu. Kanske är därför, jag vet inte.
Men jag blir nyfiken, vad säger mamma om det här? Tycker du jag hade en ätstörning?
Last night me and Cissi were watching this documentary on my favourite channel TLC. A danish documentary about people's bodies. Yesterday they were talking about weight and the urge that so many young (specifically) women have to be a size zero. In this program they had a girl put on a very strict diet for a month, by the end of that month she was supposed to have reached the goal of being a size zero. The thing is though, that the more I watched this show, the more I could relate. So much so that I had to ask my sister if she thought that I've ever had some sort of eating disorder. Cuz when I think about it, i might have... She said no, but that it was a close call and that all I'd needed was a slight nudge to be pushed over the edge. And maybe that's true, I don't know. I never thought so, but no one ever does when they're right in the middle of it.
I'm 1,75cm tall (5'9) and weighed 58kgs (128 pounds). I had a BMI of 19 and was very proud of that. I felt like I'd accomplished something. So maybe some people would say that I was anorexic, although I never stopped eating. No one could eat french fries like I could. So where do you draw the line for an eating disorder? The fact that I could substitute a meal for cake or ice cream if that's what I wanted to eat that day, isn't something that I think is bad. Isn't that kind of a good thing? And I never had as a goal to be a size zero, if I'd fitted into that size it would just have been a bonus.
I'm not really sure where I was going with this, maybe I just needed to get it off my chest. Also, I realize that I was too thin back then, but I also think that I'm too big now. But I do get curious, of you know me (Sasha/Murielle/Montana, if any of you read this blog) do you think that I had an eating disorder back then?
halvtaskig kvalité på bilderna, men ni fattar grejen // bad quality photos, but you get the idea.
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